We offer you our help to carry out all your projects. Whatever the size of your company (small, medium or large), whether it is to create a new company or intervene in an already existing project/company, we are actively involved in all stages in terms of Management and Finance.

We offer three types of services:

Icon création entreprise

Creation of a business/project from A to Z

If you wish to create a new project, we accompany you from its planning to its implementation, including the design of a business plan as well as all the notarial, administrative, accounting and payroll procedures required.

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Evaluation (External Audit) of your company, your projects, your Finances and Management.

Our approach is based on the following elements:

  • Analysis of the existing situation: We bring you our external perspective, in order to assess the weak points to be improved or the strong points to be accentuated, while respecting your corporate culture, your means and your environment.
  • Report: We present you with a complete report of the situation accompanied by presentations including graphics and figures.
  • Recommendations: We share with you our recommendations for dealing with the points to be improved and/or reinforced.
  • Tools for action: We provide you with the best practices and tools, which you can use to implement the recommendations.
  • Follow-up and Control: After the application of the recommendations, we can also (re)check if they have been well applied and, if necessary, adapt them according to your needs, your financial means, your environment and your corporate culture.
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Management, Finance, Administration and HR (human resources)

Our team of consultants can help you manage your finances, accounting, administration and human resources. We put at your service all types of profiles such as:

  • Financial Director
  • Management auditor
  • Accountant
  • HR


Do not hesitate to contact us via the form, by e-mail or by phone so that we can discuss your project together.