Youssef Ait Anounou - Company Owner

Youssef Ait Anounou
Company Owner

Who we are

Welcome to YOU ​​SAF Consulting!

Do you need to define your strategy, revise it, or define your objectives?

Do you want to create a project, a business plan, a company from A to Z and set it up?

Are you looking for a temporary external consultant, be it a Financial Director, a finance/accounting team or temporary HR, to manage your finances, your team or your HR?

Would you like to receive personal, professional, individual or group coaching?

Do you wish to better assess and organize your company or your department, and/or set up a new process?

If these are your needs, YOU SAF Consulting will be your ideal partner!
Indeed, we are a company whose objective is not only to meet your needs, but also to help you identify and decipher them, in order to better meet them.

Our mission is clear

To put ourselves in your shoes by thinking with you, acting for you, coaching and training you throughout the process.

We work proactively with a modern management style based on a skill set that is broad and rich in experience.

What we do

Our action plan can be summarized in (but not limited to) 3 parts:


01. Thinking

with you

We advise you on everything related to strategy and objectives, processes and organization, management and project management. The objective of our advice is to think with you about the “What”, the “How” and the “When” of your needs.


02. Acting

for you

Through this action, we are fully or partially involved in the management of your projects, regarding the following:

A new project:

By planning it, creating it from A to Z and implementing it

An existing project:

  • either by evaluating it (performance) and sharing our recommendations,
  • or by becoming involved in its daily management:
    • at the financial level (all levels: financial management, accounting, management audits, etc.)
    • at the Human Resources level (Team, Recruitment, Payroll)

03. Accompanying


Preparing and training you: This service concerns soft skills. We offer two types of services:


Whether it is professional, personal, individual or collective development, our mission is to support and coach you to achieve YOUR goal.


We offer customized trainings in Finance, Management, project management, resource management and team management.

For more details, we invite you to consult our section “Our services”.

Also, our missions are governed by values ​​that revolve around a new modern management style linked to proactivity and based on versatility and the development of soft skills. For more information, we invite you to consult our section “Our values”.